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The most beautiful castles to discover in Brittany

Vivre la vie de chateau en Bretagne

Who hasn’t dreamed of living the life of a castle, waking up in a beautiful building and having meals in the large living room, or sitting by the fireplace with a good cup of tea? Great ideas for family outings! We take you with us to discover 4 castles not to be missed in Brittany.

The castle of Trévarez – Finistère

This castle located in Finistère is known for its pink brick side of the Belle Epoque, but also for its magnificent gardens. There are still nearly 85 hectares of walking in the estate! If it has been labelled a “remarkable garden”, it is not by chance. From collections of hydrangeas, to camellias, fuchsia and Japanese maples. We advise you to go there in spring to enjoy the garden in bloom but also at Christmas time for its many illuminations!

The castle of Josselin – Morbihan

Château de Josselin Bretagne

This castle, located on the banks of the Oust in Morbihan, will make you relive the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Don’t miss its Gothic-style façade, a real granite lace. Did you know that you can also enjoy a visit to the Dolls and Toys Museum located in the former stables of the Castle?

The castle of Suscinio – Morbihan

Château de Suscinio

Let’s now discover the Château de Suscinio in the Gulf of Morbihan. What makes it special? It is a few steps from the beach, with its feet in the water. Majestic residence of the Dukes of Brittany, it was the subject of major works from the thirteenth century onwards to create an agricultural and forestry estate.

Don’t miss its view of the Atlantic Ocean, which can be discovered after climbing the few steps that lead to the top of one of the castle’s towers. A great reward where you can enjoy a panorama of the marshes of Suscinio but also the heart of Sarzeau and if the weather is good, why not push on to Piriac sur Mer less than an hour’s drive away.

The Château de Bienassis – Côtes-d’Armor

Between Erquy and Pléneuf-Val-André, this stately home is worth a visit. Its monumental staircase, its vegetable garden and its forest park will be worth visiting this summer!

Did you know? Its name comes from the abbreviation of “bien sis”, this castle being well located and well protected thanks to its moat. At the time, in good weather you could see the Channel Islands without being seen!

Where to stay nearby?

What if you too enjoyed a few days in one of the magnificent castles and manors of Charme Bretagne?


photos : BERTHIER Emmanuel / GUILLAUDEAU Donatienne / PEREZ Rafa 

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