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Where to fish on foot in Brittany?

pêche à pied Bretagne Nord

Would you like to live a typical local experience in Brittany? Shellfish fishing is a well-known activity among Bretons. You don’t need a boat license, you just have to put on your boots and don’t forget your landing net! It is an excellent cultural activity for the whole family. We give you all our good advice to enjoy this experience while protecting our beautiful Brittany and its natural environments.

What are the best spots?

pêche à pieds bretagneBrittany is full of superb beaches for this practice. This is the case of the North Coast where you can find the perfect spots to enjoy this adventure for a few hours:


– Cancale: It’s not just known for its good oysters. You can also find cockles and clams. What could be nicer than walking around with a view of the famous Mont Saint Michel in the distance?

Pléneuf-Val-André: We advise you to go to the islet of Verdelet. It is only accessible during high tides, which means that the harvest will be abundant as this islet is not very frequented. You will be able to bring back crabs and if you are lucky, lobsters!!

Saint-Jacut-de-la-mer: for mussel lovers, this is the ideal place to visit! We recommend the beach of Haas at the end of the peninsula. To fish in a postcard setting, you can go to the Ebihens Islands: a change of scenery guaranteed!

Lancieux: It is on the beach of Saint Sieu that you will have the best chance of doing a good fishing. This is because the sea recedes very far away during periods of high tides.

Carantec: Shore fishermen love to fish around callot island and on the Grève blanche beach.

What can be collected?

You will be able to find dozens of species. But here are the ones most often found in fishermen’s buckets. Be careful, to preserve Nature, there are rules to be respected, especially on the size of shells. If they are too small, we release them!

  • Still oysters: 6 cm minimum
  • Crabs (a type of small crab): 6.5 cm minimum
  • Clams: 4 cm minimum
  • Shells: 2.7 cm minimum
  • Scallops: 11 cm minimum
  • Knives: 10 cm minimum
  • Mussels : 4 cm minimum

When you get home, the mussels will be marinières, the clams will be eaten raw with vinegar and shallots, the periwinkles will simply be cooked in court-bouillon!
… with bread, salted butter, and of course fresh Muscadet to drizzle it all over!

When is the best time to visit?

pêche à pieds bretagne

You can’t go fishing at any time, here it’s the tide times that make the law, preferably when the coefficients are the strongest and the sea recedes the farthest. These are the ideal times to get a good haul!

Here are our tips for a successful moment. Before leaving, check the tide times so you don’t find yourself surrounded (when you’re focused on your feet, you can be surprised by the rising waters!). Remember to respect the minimum sizes and quantities of your fishing, and remember to put the raised rocks back in place!

Happy fishing!

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