The inspirational notebook

The Charme Bretagne Magazine, news about the Charme Bretagne Label and its members,
our favorites, gastronomy and tourist information in Brittany


Charme Bretagne, a label that smells of the great outdoors

For the first article of its Blog, the Label Charme Bretagne has chosen to introduce itself. But who and why Charme Bretagne? We wish you a great discovery and see you soon in our houses.


What does this word mean to you: sweetness, seduction, attraction…?


If I say Brittany, then these words may come to mind:

wild, dark, mysterious, sublime, secret, tumultuous but also tradition, heritage and culture…

Charme Bretagne is a bit of a mix of all this, but not only!

This Label was born from the will of a small group of volunteers in May 2012, themselves owners of guest rooms with common requirements.

Beyond the beaten track, Charme Bretagne wants to offer its guests a different way of travelling. Thus, the association has chosen to get rid of existing labels, large search engines and world-famous booking sites, not recognizing itself in them.

The choice of such a project? That of grouping together residences: houses, manors and castles based on authenticity, the art of living and entertaining, run by owners who wish to share, of course, the wonderful or unlikely place they live in, but also to discover the beauty and richness of their region, as well as its cultural heritage.

How to obtain the Brittany Charm Label?

Charme Bretagne selects each house rigorously, by meeting their owners and visiting the premises. It is not enough to want to list your guest house, you must above all respond to a certain philosophy.

This Label is not a simple and beautiful showcase, but above all a place of sharing, those who wish to join commit to respecting the values of the association. The selection is based on certain criteria, the charm and elegance of the house, the decoration, the spirit and the atmosphere of the place but also the way in which the hosts wish to receive, the quality of the welcome.

Why choose a guest house or a gîte at Charme Bretagne?

Choosing to spend a stay, for a night or more, in one of the houses selected by our Charme Bretagne label, is the assurance of being received by owners who want to share their home with you but also their region.

You will be warmly welcomed, in a beautiful building, harmoniously and tastefully decorated.

Your host will have been keen to find an object, a painting, beautiful bed linen that you will not find elsewhere. You can rest quietly in a comfortable room that your host will have taken the time to prepare with care.

He will not be stingy with wise advice, passionate about the richness of his region. The owner of the place will be able to guide you so that you can fully enjoy unusual places, cultural heritage, walks along the coast or country paths, you may meet fascinating people at one of them, to finally end the day around a good table.

Let’s not forget the delicious and gourmet breakfasts that will be served to you in the morning after a good night’s sleep, many “homemade” products: fruits from the garden, fresh eggs from the pullets, pastries and delicacies, to the delight of your taste buds!

You will also be able to enjoy tables d’hôtes worthy of great chefs that some houses will offer you.

So don’t wait any longer, you are spoilt for choice, whether it is from the wild coasts of Brittany to the forests of legends and Breton moors. You will find us there! Always with the assurance of the quality of the welcome and the willingness of your hosts to make you spend a delicious interlude in your life.

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