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Top 3 of the most beautiful visits in South Finistère

Located at the tip of western France, Brittany is one of the most unique regions of the country. This uniqueness comes from the landscapes of the region. With its plains, its fine sandy beaches, but also its pebbles, its plateaus, its mountains and its forests, Brittany offers scenery of great beauty. More than that, it is a region steeped in history. Indeed, Brittany has long been an independent state. It was not until 1532 that it was attached to France. Today, it has 4 departments: Côtes-d’Armor, Morbihan, Ille et Vilaine and Finistère. Finistère in particular embodies the historical and idyllic character of the region, such as the Pointe du Raz. This department has a lot to offer, especially in its southern part. Here are the 3 most beautiful visits in South Finistère.

The Eckmühl Lighthouse

It may seem surprising that one of the most beautiful visits to South Finistère is a lighthouse. But the Eckmühl Lighthouse is anything but ordinary. This maritime lighthouse, which is located at the tip of Saint-Pierre in the town of Penmarc’h, is both in history and out of time. Its name is a tribute to one of Napoleon’s right-hand men, Prince Eckmühl, who fought alongside him. Every night now, at the level of the Place du Maréchal Davout, this lighthouse illuminates the surroundings 50 kilometres around. Visits are organized and allow you to admire the splendour of the place and the Pointe de Saint-Pierre. Once at the top of the lighthouse, the building offers a unique spectacle in the world. At more than 65 metres high, the Eckmühl lighthouse offers an indefinable view of the sea. To get there, you have to climb no less than 307 steps. But the effort is worth it. Plus, you can reward yourself with a short detour to the beach.

The opening of the lighthouse in the town of Penmarc’h is subject to favourable weather conditions. So it’s best to go in July and August. While the visit is free for children under 7 years old, it costs around 4 euros for adults with a reduced rate of 2 euros; €2 for children; between €2 and €3 in a group. It is a very accessible place in Finistère with an airport and a train station 30 kilometres away, a beach 100 metres away and public transport nearby.

Visit the Eckmühl Lighthouse and the Breton region by taking advantage of Charme Bretagne’s accommodations such as La Ferme de Kerscuntec

The Glénan Islands

Going on an excursion to the Glénan islands of Finistère, even for a single day, does not leave you indifferent. This archipelago and its series of islets offer a spectacle that borders on the unreal. In a peaceful atmosphere, which allows the sun’s rays to reflect on the emerald green waters of the ocean, discovering the islands of Glénan is an exceptional experience. This is one of the fabulous Breton regions to visit, enjoy the experience by fully immersing yourself by staying in a setting with an ideal view of the Château de Penfrat.

Crossing the archipelago can be done in several ways. A round-trip tour guarantees you an unforgettable day. After a stopover on Saint-Nicolas Island, you can have a picnic as a couple, with family or friends. In addition, a cruise around the archipelago accompanied by a guide is possible. You can also opt for underwater exploration. During this crossing, a visit to the seabed is added to the commented cruise of Glénan and the stopover on the island of Saint-Nicolas. You will be immersed in the wonders that the Atlantic Ocean has to offer. In addition, you can also cross the archipelago with a sea kayaking trip. Here, you will have the freedom to walk along the islands, swim or take the pictures at your leisure, but also to take a lazy break on the fine sandy beaches. As well as underwater exploration, kayaking is only available in July and August. There is, however, a possibility to cross from April to September. Finally, you can also simply go to the island of Saint-Nicolas which is the main island of the archipelago. For a day, you can even walk around the island.

Charme Bretagne has guest houses and cottages in the area, including le gîte Bleu Salé in Plovan.

The most beautiful villages of France: Locronan

The third and last most beautiful visit to South Finistère is that of Locronan. This village in southern Finistère is part of the selection of the most beautiful villages in France. It is also the only one in Finistère. Locronan takes its name from its founder, Saint Ronan, whose traces remain to this day.

These are, of course, the church of Saint Ronan and the mansions dating back to the Renaissance. But these are just a few examples of the on-site visits.

In addition, you can visit an emblematic Museum of Art and History. Also known as the Charles Daniélou Museum, it houses a collection of Breton paintings and sculptures. A great way to discover and contemplate Breton art. But the monument that certainly constitutes the fame of the village of Locronan is the Chapel of Our Lady of Good News. Built between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, it is a source of great pride for the inhabitants of the entire region.

The housing of the Galets Blancs and  La Matine allow you to appreciate all the charm of the village of Locronan and Brittany in a comfort and safety that will only delight you. Check it out.

During your stay in Locronan, don’t hesitate to make a detour to the city of Quimper, which is full of places and monuments to visit.

Want to discover more of Finistère? Charme Bretagne has selected for you les 5 lieux à absolument visiter dans le Finistère !

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