The inspirational notebook

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Top 3 things to do in Brittany before the start of the school year

Relax pour la rentrée des classes

September is just around the corner and with it the stress of going back to school. It’s a good time to take a breather before starting a new year and heading out to get some fresh air to recharge your batteries in our beautiful Brittany. Here are our tips and tricks for a relaxing getaway, with your family or as a couple, to enjoy the end of the holidays and the Indian summer!

Relax with the benefits of massages

Location bretagne massage

A massage, are you dreaming of it!? Did you know that at Charme Bretagne, you can enjoy a seasonal rental where the credo “do yourself good” blends perfectly with rejuvenating Brittany? Many of our cottages and guest houses offer massages directly on site, for your greatest pleasure. Combining pleasure and health is surely one of the best ways to reduce stress, tension, pain and stimulate your defenses.

Location de gîtes et maisons d’hôtes proposant des massages sur place 

A disconnected getaway

vacances relaxantes bretagne

A relaxing and rejuvenating holiday is important before resuming the hectic life that many of us live at 100 km/h. There is not much missing to make the most of it, and there are many places in Brittany to enjoy Nature while forgetting, for a moment, the worries of everyday life.

Here are our tips to make the most of your disconnected getaway

  • Forget screens. Easier said than done and yet, it’s essential! Only keep your phone to take souvenir photos of Brittany and forget about work emails and social networks!
  • Engage in a sports activity. In Brittany, you’re spoilt for choice! A bike tour in Finistère, a hike in the Monts d’Arrée, surfing on the tip of Quiberon or a horseback ride on the beaches of Northern Brittany. The hardest part will be making a choice… Or not! The goal is to get away from it all and stop thinking about your professional life.
  • Dare to be bored! What a joy to be able to have time to be bored, to think about nothing and to enjoy only the sound of the birds or the surf of the water. Even if this activity can scare more than one, it is nevertheless effective to revive your creativity!

View all our homes for disconnected holidays 

Enjoy the joys of a Table d’hôtes
Tables d'hôtes Bretagne

There’s nothing quite like the joys of a good dinner after a busy day. Charme Bretagne offers tables d’hôtes to enjoy good food during your stay. You can then enjoy it in a flowery garden near Brocéliande, with your feet in the water of a swimming pool in the Gulf of Morbihan or well installed near Mont Saint Michel. There’s nothing like a menu featuring local Breton products or a cuisine that evolves with the seasons to get away from it all for a meal!

Rental of gîtes and guest houses with tables d’hôtes

Photos credits: BERTHIER Emmanuel  / LAMOUREUX Alexandre / GRATIEN Jean-Patrick

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