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The high tides in Brittany

The tides have always punctuated the life of the Bretons: every day the sea recedes and then six hours later returns.

The high tides, an extraordinary and unique spectacle in Europe, stimulate the imagination and constitute a playground renewed every day for walkers, fishermen, in fact all lovers of nature and the great outdoors.

What is a Tide?

Created by the combined effect of the gravitational forces of the Moon, the Sun and the rotation of the Earth, “tides” refer to the process of variation in the water levels of the sea which is accompanied by an upward and then downward movement. We will therefore speak of high tide and low tide.

What is a High Tide?

The strength and importance of the tides is assessed by a coefficient of 20 to 120.

We then speak of neap when the coefficient is low and of high tide when it is high (above 90) during the equinoxes in particular.

You will find everywhere on our coasts the famous “tide times” which will give you the times of high and low tide but also their coefficients thus ensuring your safety.

What to do during the High Tides?

•To go for a stroll

It is always an extraordinary moment to tread on the bottom of the sea where a few hours ago meters of water sometimes shook with fury!

• Discover nature

Young and old alike will discover the foreshore with specialized nature guides

• Learn about tidal economics

Want to know more?? Visit an auction, an oyster farm, taste freshly harvested mussels, easy in Brittany!!

• Go fishing on foot

At each high tide, boots, oilskins, hampers, landing nets bloom on the coasts: shellfish gathering is truly a national sport for the Bretons: clams, shrimps, and other periwinkles will be on the menu.

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